Getting Some Focus
I need to get some focus back into my running. Over the past couple of months, I’ve been very ‘ad hoc’ with my runs, just going longer and longer – in an effort to get some stamina (and confidence) for an ultra – and while it has shown me I can cover big distances, I feel my running has suffered for it.
The long runs I’ve been doing have trashed my legs for 2 or 3 days afterwards, so I’m only getting a couple of decent runs in per week.
I’m thinking I need to structure things around a couple of long runs and alternating a hill and speed session each week – the rest can be steady running, but I need to get out of the mind-set of anything less than 10 miles not being worth it.
I have about 5 weeks to go till the Bimblers Bluff 50K so I need to get my head sorted out sharpish…